Prism warehousing services offer a broad range of options for our customers. We can store items such as bespoke printed paper rolls, cards & keys, securely, arrange for Certified Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) disposal service, also we can package for single end users through to bulk shipments as well as refurbishment of units as well as preparing for software installation before dispatch.

Terminal Storage
Our on-site warehousing is our preferred option giving your business instant access for stock audits and despatch.
All the usual features of any major warehouse are in place including: fork lift truck; “soft pack” packing system; safe working zones, etc.

Warehouse facility
Our warehouse is fully alarmed and equipped with external security cameras to ensure maximum security levels.

We also run a soft touch refurbishment centre within the warehouse which specialises in: the testing, cleaning and terminal configuration of various chip and pin terminals and associated equipment.
In-house maintenance, repair and testing.
Located within our warehouse we have an effective “soft touch” refurbishment unit. This unit performs several different tasks focused on: repairing; testing; configuring; cleaning of chip & pin terminals and associated equipment including cables, barcode scanners etc.
We also provide an in house polling service via a VPN connection to the host client systems. Combined with our collection / delivery services and complimented by our WEEE disposal program, this provides a very cost effective method of maintaining estates and prevents the requirement for costly manufacturer repair wherever possible. When warranty manufacturer repair is required.
Prism works closely with the leading terminal manufacturers on your behalf to ensure a smooth RMA process for your faulty equipment.
Polling and terminal configuration

All terminals that are returned from merchants to our warehouse are submitted to a thorough procedure to ensure that all stored transactions are correctly processed, ensuring there is no loss of revenue to the client. Prior to the despatch of a terminal, appropriate software can be loaded onto the device to ensure a seamless process for the merchant.